
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Philippians 4:6 - SIWS4

It's my turn to host the Say It With Scripture Challenge (#4) over at the Sweet 'n Sassy Connection.  This month we're looking at various verses on prayer.  Our focus verse this week is Philippians 4:6  "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

This verse is a reminder to me that I'm not to worry about anything.  Instead, I'm to take my concerns, circumstances and difficulties to the Lord and ask for His help.  Life can bring us some pretty difficult things so where does the thanksgiving come in?  For starters, we can be thankful that we have a Heavenly Father who has all things under His control.  Nothing takes Him by surprise and He already knows how things will turn out.  While we don't know the end from the beginning, He does!  We can also be thankful that our Heavenly Father wants us to bring our cares and concerns to Him.  He never tires of having us talk to Him and He is available to listen to us anytime - day or night.  A third thing we can be thankful for is that our God actually has the power to do something about our situation.  For those trials that, in His infinite wisdom, He chooses not to remove from our lives, He will give us the grace to endure and will stay right there with us the entire time.

So this week, as you think on this verse, come to the Lord with your concerns with a thankful heart.  Be thankful that we serve a mighty God.  We don't need to worry...He has everything under control.

For my card I used this week's Sweet Stop Sketch #115.  While I sometimes have another image with my Scripture verse, this time I chose to have the verse be the complete focal image.

Card base - SU
Cardstock - Recollections
Patterned Paper - Bo Bunny (Olivia)
Stamp - Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps (Pray Without Ceasing)
Embellishments - Ribbon (Offray), Pearls (Oriental Trading), Fiskars Border Punch (Apron Lace), Spellbinders Nestabilities (Deckled Rectangle Large)

I hope you'll play along with us this week at The Sweet 'n Sassy Connection.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Your card is so lovely, Stephanie! That is one of my fav Scriptures, I have it next to my computer verses 4-7. I'm so thankful for His grace and peace!


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