
Saturday, February 7, 2015

A YouTube Channel Recommendation

I enjoy watching crafting videos on YouTube and like when other crafters share a favorite.  Today I thought I'd return the favor and pop in to share one of my YouTube channels with you: Sandy Allnock

Many of you may have heard of Sandy Allnock but I wanted to pass along her channel in case you haven't.  Sandy has some amazing skills with Copic markers.  She was one of the teachers in the Copic Markers for Cardmarkers class I took from Online Card Classes last fall.  Each Monday, she posts a video and just lets us watch her color.  Watching an image "come alive"  as she colors always amazes me.  I mean, I have the same type of markers she does and mine sure don't give me those results!  LOL    She posts other videos and tells us how she's doing what she's doing and makes it look easy.  However, as I mentioned I own Copics and I KNOW it's not as easy as she makes it look.   She is also fantastic with watercolors and other mediums as well.  She's taking her watercolors to Europe soon and I can't wait to see the pictures she paints.  I thought this watercolor pic was very special.

Sandy is the Founder and Executive Director of Operation Write Home.  This is a non-profit organization that send handmade cards to our service personnel overseas for them to send back home to their families.  It's a fantastic and much needed organization.  I've been able to participate some in the past and hope to do more in the future.

But most importantly, Sandy is a Christian.  She's  recently posted a non-crafting video on her channel of a speech she made entitled, "Is God Really Crazy?".  I was greatly challenged by her speech and reminded once again of the benefits of being willing to step out in faith when the Lord asks us to do something.  Apparently she's taken some criticism for posting her speech but I'm so thankful she did.  It was just the reminder I needed to hear today.

I would encourage you to check out her YouTube Channel and her blog for lots of inspiration and how-to tips.  While you're there, why not subscribe both places so that you don't miss out on any of her projects.

Do you have a favorite crafting channel?  If so, leave me a link in the comments.  Thanks!  Periodically I'll pass along info on another of my favorites.

1 comment:

  1. What a great shout out to Sandy. I love her as well! :)


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