
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Teach Us

Happy Wednesday!! I hope you are having a good week. It's time for a new challenge at Word Art Wednesday. This week our verse comes from Psalms 90:12, "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." This verse is telling us to keep in mind the brevity of life and the amount of work left to be done. Since we do not know how much time we have left, we need to make sure we don't waste the time we do have. We need the Lord's help to have the wisdom to spend our time on those things that are truly important.

I recently saw a video by Jennifer McGuire where she showed how to use Perfect Pearls with layering stamps. You can watch her Pearlized Stamp Layering video here. I have been wanting to try Perfect Pearls and this technique seemed like a great place to start. First I die cut a circle from a piece of burgundy card stock. I used a floral layering stamp that has 4 layers. The base layer of all the flowers was stamped with Versamark. Then I covered all the flowers with the Perfect Pearl color of Perfect Pearls. The second layer is stamped with Versamark which pulls up the Perfect Pearls in the stamped area. The third layer was stamped with the darkest color in a Pink to Red Hero Arts ombre ink pad. The fourth and final layer was stamped with a dark blue ink. If you watch Jennifer's video, her explanation makes much more sense than I probably just did.

I used foam dots to pop up this stamped panel over the Scripture verse. I used Liquid Pearls to accent the stamped panel as well as the verse panel. I really like the almost velvet look to the stamped panel. This is a technique I'll be re-visiting soon.

Cardstock: Georgia Pacific (white for sentiment), Recollections (white heavy weight for card base, burgundy)
Stamps: WORDart by Karen, Hero Arts (Color Layering Hibiscus)
Inks: VersaMark, Hero Arts Ombre (Pink to Red), Memento (Paris Dusk)
Tools/Embellishments: Spellbinders Dies (Standard Circle Small), Liquid Pearls (Platinum Pearl), Perfect Pearls (Perfect Pearl)

I'm entering this card in the following challenges:
Crop Stop Link Party #26- Use an item or a brand carried by the Crop Stop Store (I used VersaMark Ink, Platinum Liquid Pearls, and Cuttlebug, Spellbinders, Fiskars, Memento and Ranger brands)
Crafting from the Heart Challenge #152 - Anything Goes
Try It on Tuesday - Botanical (the layered flowers are my botanical elements)

Thanks for visiting with me today. I hope you'll come back often. Please be sure to stop by the Word Art Wednesday blog for your free digi and to see the rest of the projects by the Design Team.


  1. A lovely card with a gorgeous background.
    Thanks for sharing with us at TioT

  2. Sounds like you put a lot of work into making this lovely card! Love the addition of pearls and the popped up front panel! Thanks for linking up to Cropstop! I'm looking forward to showcasing your work (in your guest design posts) in a few weeks!!

  3. Beautiful card and message. Lovely details gone into it too.

  4. A lovely card with a great design! Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday. Mar

  5. Such a lovely card and thanks for playing with us at TIOT.
    Hugz, Z

  6. Great psalm but the background is fabulous---Thank you for joining us at Crafting From The Heart
    Carol DT x


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